Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Do They Really Form Gangs??

Of course not they don't form gangs, it's just the name associated with their characteristics. The Gang Age takes place in children from the ages of 9 to 12 years. In this stage children tend to move away from X-Ray drawings because to them it us unnatural. An aspect that noticeably carries over to this stage is their representation of Space. It is evident that they are aware of this in their works of art. Also you will see a lot of overlapping in their works, which is another method of Space Representation.

I think the most important transition a child makes in this stage is their movement from Ego-Centrism toward a greater perspective. The emphasis is taken off of a single entity and placed upon something that is much larger or even a group of people. Color and Design also play an important role throughout the stage, just like it does in any other. The children experiment with different colors and begin mixing and shading. It is also important not to rush color development because it can lead to difficulties once the child gets older. And last but not least, they present an abstract view and show relation of background and foreground.

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